Activities of Albnatura
Rruga‘‘ Kongresi Elbasanit '' ,Godina e Pyjores, kati i pare
Phone: ++ 355 68 35 76089
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CV - Activities of AlbNatura
The Regional Association of Forests and Pastures of Elbasan region, amended with the amendment of the court decision no.2358 / 1 in AlbNatura, was established on 10.09.2008 as a result of the request of the associations of Users of Municipal Forest and Pastures to have a the county-level representative body. The founders of this Regional Association were 25 associations in the four districts of Elbasan, Librazhd, Gramsh and Peqin. Over time, this association has joined in total 42 forest associations and environments which are at the municipal and local level.
The mission of this organization is to protect the interests of its members through the support, coordination and cooperation among its members as well as providing them with technical assistance, disseminating information about them, supporting the regional, national and international interest, representing them in meetings and exchanging experiences among other factors such as homologous organizations.
A technical staff is set up next to the Association, consisting of Specialists and Experts from various fields.
Activities summarized during several years of work:
According to the statute and the work programs, the regional association has worked hard to strengthen the capacities of local associations to strengthen organizational and functional aspects of the following topics and to lobby for the preservation and development of environmental values:
· Functioning and internal organization of Associations staff
· Sustainable Natural Resources Management
· Management and Revenue of income
· Lobbying and Advocacy
· Management of the Farmer's Forest
Period: 05.01.2015 - 31.07.2016
Title: Forestry for Local Economic Development
Project data:
Project scope: Elbasan county
Value in Euro: 10'400
Number of staff involved: 8 people (6 of whom included Part-Time)
Origin of the Fund: The Swedish Government (SIDA) and the Albanian Government (Ministry of Environment)
This project promoted decentralized decision-making, planning and implementation of forest and pasture activities in support of a full economic development. The project supports the registration of forests and pastures. And in particular, the project supports the reflection of the traditional community community participation at village level, which is considered essential for the real economic development and sustainability of the forest transfer process in the context of decentralization and reforms take place.
Project Products (components):
1. Development / increase of local capacities;
2. Improved forest and pasture management, decentralized rights and ownership security at the targeted local administrative unit;
3. Increase and sustainability of civil society capacity in the field of forestry;
4. Strengthening and further development of the value chain for forest products and non-wood products;
5. Strengthening of all-inclusive approaches to forest management, including biomass for renewable energy and carbon sequestration;
6. Strengthen the institutional framework, the legal framework for forestry policies on the principles of governance, accountability, transparency, the role of law and social inclusion.
Period: 01.03.2016 - 31.10.2016
Title: Installing efficient heating by reducing the use of firewood
Project data
Scope of the project: National Park Shebenik-Jablanica
Value in Euro: 4'930 Euro
Staff involved: 3 people (of these 2 full time employees)
The Origin of the Fund: EURONATURE and Association and Protection of Nature Conservation in Albania (PPNEA) (80% of the fund covered by PPNEA and 20% by the Applicant)
The results:
1. Reduce firewood consumption and consequently decrease the pressure on the forests of the Shebenik national park. In the 9-year school Bardhaj village, Running from 35 m3 of wood used every year, with the installation of the boiler 16 m3 or 40% less.
2. Creating a successful model that can be followed in schools or other social-cultural institutions not only to ensure heat in them, but also to provide a much cleaner and less polluted environment for the collective pupils and teaching staff.
3. Raise awareness of pupils, school staff and community on the protection and sustainable use of natural resources.
4. Improve CSO collaboration with local institutions such as: Bardhaj council vilage, unit administration of Rrajce, Prrenjas Municipality, and KP Shebenik Administration.
5. Creating new models for our organization in cooperation with schools, institutions and donors.
Project Products:
As project products are evaluated: Community awareness and school attendance, Setting up a boiler that warms the environment at an average temperature, reduces the consumption of firewood taken in the park and creates a sustainable model.
Period: 08.03.2015 - 31.12.2015
Title: Promotion of Eco-tourism through creation of favorable conditions for tourists in the National Park of Shebenik-Jabllanicë
Project data:
Project scope: Elbasan
Value in Euro: 5'080
Staff involved: 4 people (of these 3 full time employees)
The Origin of the Fund: Association and Protection of Nature Conservation in Albania (PPNEA) (80% of the fund covered by PPNEA and 20% by the Applicant)
This project promoted the improvement of tourism facilities in the National Park of Shebenik-Jabllanicë through the implementation of certain emergency response interventions for missing infrastructure for all foreign and domestic visitors (tourists), who are increasing from year to year.
These activities have also been in the role of the project's specific objectives. It is about the construction and reconstruction of drinking taps, wooden tables, wooden benches, waste collection bins, information environments, etc. This also promotes my support for the real economic development of the area with more natural resources and cultural values.
Project Products/keys:
1. Creating numerous recreational opportunities in the National Park of Shebenik-Jabllanicë through the creation of the necessary infrastructure;
2. Strengthening and further developing a value chain to generate income, conflict management and gender equality;
3. Good and sustainable management of natural water resources, which are not lacking in this drinking park without compromising the conservation and development of natural ecosystems in their need for water.
Period: 30.04.2013 - 30.12.2013
Title: Career Center for hiring young people studying in the field of environment. New solidarity in environmental protection.
Project data:
Project scope: Tirana City and Elbasan, Albania
Value in Euro: 10'817
Staff involved: 6 people (of these 4 persons involved part-time)
Fund Origin: 61% AMSHC and 39% AlbNatyra (Regional Association of Forest and Pasture)
Outcomes: The Career Center for hiring young people studying in the field of environment was a project aimed at fulfilling the necessary infrastructure with new ideas, facilitating the transition from academia to the labor market in the field of environment. The center's program will be administered by staff and expert consultants permanently engaged periodically in accordance with the schedule of counseling, information and training modules provided.
Project Products:
1. Implementation of the project calendar of activities is done through the daily work of the center for hiring young people who have studied in the field of environment, through periodic seminars in order to train them on how to apply for success workplace, how to look for advertised jobs, how to professionally draft CVs and how to prepare for a job interview;
2. Specialized counseling services, orientation and information about career opportunities in different fields of work. Hundreds of young people will have the opportunity to integrate safely into the labor market and be successful in their respective career and have a positive impact not only in their community but also in the development of the country.
The young people's interest in employment in the field of the environment comes as demand is on the rise, this shows a trend for the future which categorizes this project with a value and meaningful significance.
Period: 10.01.2009 - 30.12.2013
Title: Awareness and increase of management capacities of associations of forest and pasture users in the district of Elbasan
Project data:
Scope of the project: Elbasan county (42 municipalities)
Euro Value: Managed by SNV Dutch
Staff involved: 5 people (of these 3 involved part-time)
Origin of the Fund: Dutch SNV & Swedish Embassy
Outcomes: This project aimed at the organization and functioning of Municipal Forest and Pasture Associations Associations in the sustainable management of natural resources at the commune and region level. The Dutch SNV had the objective of restructuring these associations and training them for the organizational strengthening of the associations as well as being capable of sustainable management of communal forests and pastures transferred to municipalities.
Project Products:
1. Awareness and training of 42 associations in the Elbasan district
2. Strengthening the structural organization of associations
3. Sustainable management of forests, pastures and natural resources in the respective municipalities.
4. Financial Management of Associations
5. Gender equality and involvement of women in decision making
6. Conflict Management
7. Exchange of experiences and experiences inside and outside the country.
8. etc.
Festa ''Miqte e malit'' ne Komunen Gjinar Elbasan
Tashme eshte bere tradite e pervitshme e ketij aktiviteti te madh festiv e cila organizohet nenkujdesin e stafit te Komunes Gjinar Elbasan ne fillim te muajit qershor .Nje feste pothuajse me shume aktivitete duke filluar nga panairi me produkte vendase; Bulmetit,mjaltit,kompostove,pijeve etj, te cilat serviren nga banoret dhe vazhdon me produktet artizanale,punime me grep,qendistari si dhe veshje dhe kostume populllore e bejne kete feste mjaft interesante per pjesemarres te shumte te cilet vijne nga te gjitha anet jo vetem nga komuna Gjinar por edhe nga Elbasani,Tirana e pse jo edhe te huaj (Zv.Ambasadorja e Suedise).
Vleresimet maksimale kane marre stafi organizativ i cili me modestine dhe me mundesite e pakta financiare arrijne te realizojne nje koncert me kenge,valle dhe lojra popullore tradiconale te zones. Te ftuar ne kete feste jane te shumte por vihet re pjesemarrja e deputeteve te zones, prefekti,kryetare komunash etj. te cilet e vleresojne kete aktivitet dhe e shohin me interes te madh .
Tradita e komunes Gjinar vazhdon ne nje menyre te qendrushme dhe kjo feste tashme ka marre nje emer ''Miqte e malit'' me nje kuptim te madh ku njerezit ngado qe vijne shijojne bukurite natyrore te pikes turistike Gjinar e cila ju jep mundesine e clodhjes dhe argetimit ne nje peisazh te gjelber si dhe me nje ajer te paster te ofruar nga pishat bujare, te cilat jane mbrojtur me fanatizem nga komuniteti i kesaj zone.
Per realizimin e kesaj feste te madhe Komuna Gjinar ka bashkepunuar ngushte me fondacionin CNVP e cila disa vjet rrjesht ka mbeshtetur kete komune ne shume projekte mbi pyjet dhe kullotat, ku ketu vlen te permenden : regjistrimi i pyjeve ne pronesi te komunes,hartimit e planit strategjik, ngritja e kapaciteteve organizative e shoqates te Zhvillimit te burimeve Natyrore si dhe mundesimin e shkembimit te eksperiencave dhe pervojave me shoqata te ndryshme brenda dhe jasht vendit. Janaq Male drejtues i kesaj organizate ne cdo kohe ka shprehur gadishmerin e tij per te mbeshtetur keto aktivitete por jo vetem kaqe qe i japin jete zonave rurale.
Vleresojme dhe inkurajojme stafin e kesaj komune te ndjeke kete rruge per te konkretizuar projekte te tjera te rendesishme per zhvillimin rural te kesaj zone.
Vleresimet maksimale kane marre stafi organizativ i cili me modestine dhe me mundesite e pakta financiare arrijne te realizojne nje koncert me kenge,valle dhe lojra popullore tradiconale te zones. Te ftuar ne kete feste jane te shumte por vihet re pjesemarrja e deputeteve te zones, prefekti,kryetare komunash etj. te cilet e vleresojne kete aktivitet dhe e shohin me interes te madh .
Tradita e komunes Gjinar vazhdon ne nje menyre te qendrushme dhe kjo feste tashme ka marre nje emer ''Miqte e malit'' me nje kuptim te madh ku njerezit ngado qe vijne shijojne bukurite natyrore te pikes turistike Gjinar e cila ju jep mundesine e clodhjes dhe argetimit ne nje peisazh te gjelber si dhe me nje ajer te paster te ofruar nga pishat bujare, te cilat jane mbrojtur me fanatizem nga komuniteti i kesaj zone.
Per realizimin e kesaj feste te madhe Komuna Gjinar ka bashkepunuar ngushte me fondacionin CNVP e cila disa vjet rrjesht ka mbeshtetur kete komune ne shume projekte mbi pyjet dhe kullotat, ku ketu vlen te permenden : regjistrimi i pyjeve ne pronesi te komunes,hartimit e planit strategjik, ngritja e kapaciteteve organizative e shoqates te Zhvillimit te burimeve Natyrore si dhe mundesimin e shkembimit te eksperiencave dhe pervojave me shoqata te ndryshme brenda dhe jasht vendit. Janaq Male drejtues i kesaj organizate ne cdo kohe ka shprehur gadishmerin e tij per te mbeshtetur keto aktivitete por jo vetem kaqe qe i japin jete zonave rurale.
Vleresojme dhe inkurajojme stafin e kesaj komune te ndjeke kete rruge per te konkretizuar projekte te tjera te rendesishme per zhvillimin rural te kesaj zone.